Tips and Tricks for Balancing Work and Play

Hello, and welcome to Summer!

 As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, we all feel the magnetic pull of summer fun. Schools are out, vacation mode is on, and the allure of beaches, barbecues, and bonfires is undeniable. But how do we balance our professional responsibilities with the irresistible call of summer relaxation? I’ve been navigating this very question myself, and I’m here to share some insights and strategies to help you achieve a harmonious balance between work and play this season.

These past few months have been nothing short of a whirlwind for me. Here’s a quick rundown of my recent adventures:

  • Sold our home and moved out.

  • Wrote another chapter in a book collaboration.

  • Worked with an inspiring group of leaders in the Department of Corrections.

  • Helped our daughter move into a new apartment in a charming Baltimore neighborhood.

  • Enjoyed an RV trip for Memorial Day weekend with family.

  • Spent three incredible weeks in Cape Cod, embracing our new digital nomad lifestyle, which we’ve affectionately named No_Madbear.

  • Spoke at the National Association of Social Work Conference on Leading Social Change, discussing trauma-informed leadership.

Finding balance has been crucial amidst all these activities. Here’s how I managed to keep my sanity and enjoy work and play.

  • Get a Big Calendar: Physically write down all your tasks and deadlines. Seeing everything laid out helps you visualize your time.

  • Plan Backwards: Identify your deadlines and create a work-back plan with milestones. This approach ensures you’re not rushing at the last minute.

  • Weekly Review: Review your upcoming week’s deadlines every Sunday and plan your workdays accordingly. This method allows you to anticipate and accommodate any unexpected bumps.

Here are some ways to integrate self-care into your routine:

  • Nature Therapy: Spend time outdoors. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike, or a swim, nature has a calming effect on the nervous system.

  • Physical Activity: Incorporate regular exercise into your schedule. It boosts your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.

  • Mindfulness Practices: Engage in mindfulness activities such as meditation or yoga to help manage stress and stay grounded.

 As you enter the summer season, remember to find a balance that works for you. Enjoy time with your family, savor the slower schedule, and indulge in some well-deserved relaxation. 

Balance isn’t about perfection, it’s about making intentional choices that allow you to thrive professionally and personally.

Here’s to a summer filled with joy, adventure, and a harmonious blend of work and play. Happy summer, everyone!

Carrie Freshour

Carrie Freshour is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and founder of Carrie Freshour Consulting, LLC, a firm that empowers and equips individuals and teams to maximize their potential, navigate systems change and break down stigma to address the long-standing needs in the behavioral health field. Equity, fairness, and equality are at the core of the strategies she guides her individual and group clients to implement. Carrie leads from a purpose-filled lens of strength and resilience, weaving together her lived experience, clinical training, and executive leadership; She’s not afraid to have hard conversations to help teams, organizations, and people break through barriers to achieve and sustain results.

Having worked as a clinical social worker for over twenty-five years, she has extensive experience developing programs, and public awareness efforts, writing policies, and creating training curriculums in diverse settings. She’s a dynamic speaker and facilitator, leading community conversations and conducting community-wide assessments. In addition, she has led internal organizational operations and created inclusive cultures that empower teams to work authentically and transparently.

🧠 Mental health matters at work! 🤝


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