Carrie Freshour

Speaker for Empowering Change & Maximizing Potential

I bring a unique blend of expertise as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, executive leader, and someone with diverse lived experiences to every speaking engagement. My purpose-driven approach allows me to connect authentically with audiences, inspiring them to embrace change, break barriers, and address the critical needs in the behavioral health field. My commitment to equity, fairness, and equality underpins my speaking topics, empowering individuals and organizations to create positive and lasting transformations.

Carrie A.L. Freshour is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a highly sought-after speaker who has dedicated her career to empowering individuals and teams in behavioral health. As the founder of Carrie Freshour Consulting, LLC, Carrie brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her speaking engagements. Her mission is to inspire positive change, navigate systems transformation, and break down the stigma surrounding trauma impact and mental health.

With a purpose-filled lens of strength and resilience, Carrie weaves her lived experiences, clinical training, and executive leadership skills to connect deeply with her audiences. She isn't afraid to have the hard conversations necessary for growth and transformation. Carrie's presentations are characterized by authenticity, passion, and practical insights, leaving her audiences feeling empowered and equipped to take on new challenges.

Sample Speaking Topics:

  1. Beyond Burnout: Reclaiming Balance and Addressing Secondary Stress – Unpacking commonly misunderstood terms like burnout and balance, with a focus on recognizing the impacts of secondary stress. Learn actionable strategies for creating sustainable personal and professional well-being.

  2. Trauma-Informed Leadership: Shaping Cultures of Empathy and Resilience – Explore how leaders can cultivate trauma-informed environments, using deeper insights into human behavior to foster trust, drive performance, and create a lasting impact.

  3. The Real Secrets to Effective Communication: A Trauma-Informed Approach – Discover how understanding the behaviors, words, and actions of trauma-informed individuals can transform your communication skills and unlock stronger interpersonal connections.

  4. Leading Change from Within: Building Resilient, Adaptive Teams – Learn how to guide teams through uncertainty by harnessing resilience empowering individuals to adapt, grow, and thrive in evolving environments.

  5. Breaking Barriers: Transforming Workplace Culture with Authentic Leadership – Dive into the power of authentic leadership to shift workplace dynamics, create inclusive environments, and inspire lasting, meaningful change.

Note: The sample speaking topics provided above are for illustration purposes and can be tailored to fit specific event themes and audience interests.

Highlights of High-Profile Speaking Events:

  • Institute of Violence, Abuse, and Trauma (IVAT) Annual Hawaiʻi International Summit Speaker – Three-time featured speaker at both the Hawaiʻi and San Diego events on Transformational Leadership and how leaders can uncover the secrets to effective communication and interpersonal relationships by understanding the behaviors, actions, and traits of trauma-informed individuals.

  • National Association of Social Workers (NASW) 2024 National Conference Speaker – Addressed over 1,500 professionals in Washington, D.C., delivering a spotlight talk on Leading the Charge: Catalysts of Change in Social Work Culture, offering insights on how social workers can lead with trauma-informed practices to drive systemic change.

  • Oregon Department of Corrections Leadership Speaker & Facilitator– Led a series of workshops for leadership teams, focusing on integrating trauma-informed practices into everyday operations. Worked closely with leaders to drive a cultural transformation within the organization and across the state by embedding these approaches into their decision-making and interactions.

Sizzle Reel and Speaking Engagements

For booking inquiries and additional information, please contact:


Phone: 503-702-3991