The Power of Noticing: Recognizing Signs of Unspoken Struggle

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the subtle cues that hint at someone's inner turmoil. Yet, as leaders committed to fostering supportive environments, it's essential to cultivate a keen sense of awareness.

These signs could indicate underlying stressors or traumas that they're grappling with silently. By tuning into these shifts, we demonstrate our attentiveness and open the door for meaningful conversations. 

Make it a habit to check in regularly with your team, not just about work tasks, but about how they're truly doing. Sometimes, a simple "How are you feeling today?" can make all the difference.

Remember, the first step towards supporting others is being present enough to notice when they're struggling. By cultivating this awareness, we create opportunities for connection and healing that can transform our workplace culture.

As leaders, one of our greatest tools for fostering a trauma-informed environment is our ability to initiate conversations with compassion and respect. Yet, broaching sensitive topics can feel daunting, especially when we're unsure how someone will respond. However, it's crucial to remember that silence only perpetuates the stigma surrounding mental health and trauma.

Be patient and supportive, even if progress seems slow.

Does your team need help with the art of having these conversations? Let’s chat!

Carrie Freshour

Carrie Freshour is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and founder of Carrie Freshour Consulting, LLC, a firm that empowers and equips individuals and teams to maximize their potential, navigate systems change and break down stigma to address the long-standing needs in the behavioral health field. Equity, fairness, and equality are at the core of the strategies she guides her individual and group clients to implement. Carrie leads from a purpose-filled lens of strength and resilience, weaving together her lived experience, clinical training, and executive leadership; She’s not afraid to have hard conversations to help teams, organizations, and people break through barriers to achieve and sustain results.

Having worked as a clinical social worker for over twenty-five years, she has extensive experience developing programs, and public awareness efforts, writing policies, and creating training curriculums in diverse settings. She’s a dynamic speaker and facilitator, leading community conversations and conducting community-wide assessments. In addition, she has led internal organizational operations and created inclusive cultures that empower teams to work authentically and transparently.

The Art of Asking: Initiating Conversations with Compassion and Respect


Transforming Madness into Meaning: A Trauma-Informed Approach #8 | April 2024