Hello there!

Well, hello there, and welcome to my first blog post!

So, I have been working on some things this past year, and I cannot wait to tell you all about it! But first, let me give you some background. 

I am Carrie, and I am a mama to two beautiful children Jada and Logan (ok, they are adults now, but always ‘my babies’—right?). I am a wife who has been married 20 years (and counting) to the most amazing man — My best friend, Truman. And I am a clinical social worker and a consultant. 

But I am more than that too. 

We wear many hats. We answer to many labels. So, you are going to get a little bit of it all from me here. The mama. The clinical social worker. The wife and the parent. The best friend. The fierce advocate. The survivor. The foodie. The change agent. The vulnerable — The ME. 


“We wear many hats. We answer to many labels.

So, you are going to get a little bit of it all from me here. The mama. The clinical social worker. The wife and the parent. The best friend. The fierce advocate. The survivor. The foodie. The change agent. The vulnerable —

The ME.”

I am many things. I am a complex multi-dimensional human being, and that is what this page is all about. It is about the whole person. 

It is also about calling the ‘elephants’ out in the room and having hard conversations

It is about being courageous and vulnerable for the greater good of ourselves, our people, our community, and the world around us. 

It is about finding meaning and growing in it. 

You will see the mama in me as I talk about the joys and the struggles of parenting. 

You will see the consultant in me and the professional and career-driven side of me. 

You will see the fierce advocate in me as we call out and bring a voice to social injustices. 

For me, it is about stepping outside of our comfort zones and being the change, we want to see in this world. 

I have always had this internal voice telling me to write. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to write books for children and then teenagers, and now I sit with a list of book titles I will someday write


“I have enjoyed writing and journaling all my life. I process hard things best through writing (and with my kick-ass therapist).”


This blog is a big step forward in actualizing that dream. Stepping forward and starting to share my writing with all of you. 

I have enjoyed writing and journaling all my life. I process hard things best through writing (and with my kick-ass therapist). 

This is me stepping forward, getting vulnerable, and being ready to do the damn thing! So here we go. 

If you are excited about this or think someone else might be, I would love it if you share my posts and my blogs. 

Thanks for being here!

Stronger together, 



Want more? Follow me on all social platforms at @carriefreshourllc 

Stay tuned for a big launch coming next week! 

Enter your email at the bottom of this page to be added to my weekly blog. 

Carrie Freshour

Carrie Freshour is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and founder of Carrie Freshour Consulting, LLC, a firm that empowers and equips individuals and teams to maximize their potential, navigate systems change and break down stigma to address the long-standing needs in the behavioral health field. Equity, fairness, and equality are at the core of the strategies she guides her individual and group clients to implement. Carrie leads from a purpose-filled lens of strength and resilience, weaving together her lived experience, clinical training, and executive leadership; She’s not afraid to have hard conversations to help teams, organizations, and people break through barriers to achieve and sustain results.

Having worked as a clinical social worker for over twenty-five years, she has extensive experience developing programs, and public awareness efforts, writing policies, and creating training curriculums in diverse settings. She’s a dynamic speaker and facilitator, leading community conversations and conducting community-wide assessments. In addition, she has led internal organizational operations and created inclusive cultures that empower teams to work authentically and transparently.


The Fire