Learning to Believe


“I learned to see the joy in the unimaginable sorrow”


What lessons have you learned through times of waiting? Or periods of pain and hurting?

 Can you look back on a hard season and see the growth and the lessons learned? The growth that you could not see while in it?

 For me, these past two years (together with all the times before) have taught me many lessons and ultimately carried me to where I am today.

 During this time, I learned to see the joy in the unimaginable sorrow.

 I learned that a pandemic could bring just the pause in life you didn’t know you needed.

 I learned that God’s timing is not in sync with me, and yet it is never late.

I learned that there was more to life than working 60+ hours a week and leaving nothing in the tank for those closest to you.

I learned that if we do not allow ourselves to be vulnerable, feel vulnerable, handle all the emotions, and acknowledge them, that pain will become you.

I learned that life is WAY too short, and tomorrow is never guaranteed. So, do and be what makes you happy. What fulfills you.

I learned to truly “let go and let God.”

I learned to listen to that inner voice and to stop limiting myself because of my insecurities.

So why now?  Why am I telling you all of this, seemingly spilling my guts?

Well, you see…. that IS part of my goals.

I want to create a space where we can be vulnerable (ok, mostly I will be vulnerable here—something that is SO outside of my comfort zone) in order to get to arrive at a place of true peace. A place where we can have open and honest dialog.

I want to create a space where we can ‘call the elephant out of the room’ to grow. Where we can continually learn, we can keep moving forward. We can stand up for social injustice and one another.

I am passionate and honest. Some will say honestly to a fault, but if we are going to be genuine change agents and make this world a better, more compassionate place for the generations to come, we must start with honesty and understand that our truths are just that our truths.

We often forget in this world that two people can both be right--- it’s called perspective. But it’s how we listen, learn and grow through those differences in perspective that will move us forward.

I am here to help. I am here to be a change agent.

I am here to increase human kindness AND decrease stigma!

To help other leaders lead well and find balance.

To help others in the helping profession (that’s you, counselors, educators, social workers, coaches, and leaders) to get back their passion after feeling defeated or deflated in the work.

To help survivors have a voice and thrive!

To help non-profit organizations sustain their missions and their work. 

I have BIG AUDACIOUS DREAMS AND GOALS, and I hope you will join me on this journey and follow me here!

If you are excited about this or think someone else might be, I would love it if you share my posts and my blogs.

If you are looking to partner on a change project in your organization, need a speaker at your next conference or event, or if you are looking for a trainer—check out my website at www.carriefreshourconsulting.com to learn more about what I do.

Thanks for being here!
Stronger together,



Carrie Freshour

Carrie Freshour is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and founder of Carrie Freshour Consulting, LLC, a firm that empowers and equips individuals and teams to maximize their potential, navigate systems change and break down stigma to address the long-standing needs in the behavioral health field. Equity, fairness, and equality are at the core of the strategies she guides her individual and group clients to implement. Carrie leads from a purpose-filled lens of strength and resilience, weaving together her lived experience, clinical training, and executive leadership; She’s not afraid to have hard conversations to help teams, organizations, and people break through barriers to achieve and sustain results.

Having worked as a clinical social worker for over twenty-five years, she has extensive experience developing programs, and public awareness efforts, writing policies, and creating training curriculums in diverse settings. She’s a dynamic speaker and facilitator, leading community conversations and conducting community-wide assessments. In addition, she has led internal organizational operations and created inclusive cultures that empower teams to work authentically and transparently.


In Tribute to Child Abuse Prevention Month


The Fire